Scripture Union Western Cape

Scripture Union Western Cape
The Lamp showing we follow Christ Word!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I gave my life to Christ when I was 12 years old...

Now I am a Senior Citizen...

A letter our staff worker received when he raised funds for a leadership project for Grade 7 Prefects:

Dear Sedrico,

I was so touched to read about your great desire to organise special camps for training youngsters “ to build them personally so they can become role models” I just praise and thank the Lord for you and for those who are supporting you in your efforts to give these youngsters a wonderful holiday, in that way bringing them to know the Lord and to experience His love in their lives.

I came to know the Lord when I was 12 years old-at an SU camp out in the country somewhere outside of Robertson. Since then I have never looked back and long, long ago I lost count of the number of camps I attended and after my schooling became a camp leader- over and over again. Now I am a senior Citizen- (very senior smiley face*) and am rejoicing to ‘discover’ Sedrico-serving the Lord with such commitment and passion to introduce these youngsters to the Lord Jesus Christ.

I shall be praying for you and your team and, with you, I am trusting the Lord to bring about transformation- spiritual transformation, in these precious young lives.

I enclose R200 towards this programme. May you be richly blessed in your ministry

Yours sincerely in His Love,
Florajoan V. Meintjies

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